The Ultimate Cockroach Prevention Guide For Naples Homeowners

Cockroaches are filthy insects common in Naples, FL. Once a cockroach has invaded your home, it doesn't take long for you to have a severe cockroach infestation. If you think you might have cockroaches in your house, you should have your home inspected by a Naples pest control specialist as soon as possible. At Keller's Pest Control, we specialize in cockroach control and know how to eliminate these bugs from your home for good.
Common Types Of Home-Invading Cockroaches In Naples
Unfortunately, Naples is home to a wide variety of cockroaches. Some of the most common types of cockroaches you are most likely to find around your home include:
- German Cockroach: This is the most common type of cockroach worldwide. When it reaches full maturity, the German cockroach usually measures about 5/8 of an inch long. They have light brown bodies with two dark stripes that run parallel down their backs.
- American Cockroach: The American cockroach is reddish-brown and has a yellow figure-eight pattern on the back of its head. It has two antennae and a set of wings that it uses to fly short distances. This species is the largest type found in Naples. On average, an adult American cockroach will measure between 1 1/4 and 2 1/8 inches long.
- Smokeybrown Cockroach: This type of cockroach gets its name from its mahogany-colored body. The smokybrown cockroach is one of the larger roaches on this list and can grow to be about 1 1/2 inches long.
- Asian Cockroach: The Asian cockroach looks almost identical to the German cockroach. Both roach species have tan to brown bodies with two black stripes running parallel down their back. However, only Asian cockroaches can fly long distances.
All of the roaches on this list can sneak into your home without you realizing it. By the time you see a cockroach in your house, you could already have a severe cockroach infestation.
Signs Of Cockroaches To Be Aware Of
Cockroaches will do their best to stay out of sight. However, even if you don't see them, there are still a few signs that you can look for to determine whether or not you have cockroaches in your home. Some of the telltale signs that cockroaches leave behind include:
- Cockroach droppings that look like ground black pepper
- Shed skins
- Tiny, brown, rectangle egg sacs (ootheca)
- Dark smear marks on your furniture and walls
You may also notice a foul musty odor in your home if you have a severe cockroach infestation. The smell comes from the pheromones that the cockroaches emit to communicate with one another.
Practical Cockroach Prevention Tips For Your Naples Home
It is better to prevent a cockroach infestation than to treat one.
To keep cockroaches from coming into your Naples home, you should:
- Remove boxes and other clutter from your house.
- Keep the grass in your yard cut short.
- Fix any water leaks that you have around your home.
- Seal up any gaps or cracks around your house.
- Keep all dry food in an airtight container with sealable lids.
It is also a good idea to wipe off countertops and sweep and mop your floors often to make sure that no food crumbs are lying around.
The Benefits Of Professionals Cockroach Control
It can be challenging to get rid of cockroaches on your own. If you see even one cockroach in your Naples home, you should give us a call immediately. At Keller's Pest Control, we know how to stop cockroaches in their tracks. We will eliminate these invasive pests and take proactive steps to make sure they don't come back. Give us a call for a free estimate, to schedule an appointment, and to learn more about our residential and commercial pest control services in Naples.